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Alternative Methods to the “Hidden Key Under Your Doormat” Trick

Historically, hiding a key under the doormat, under a flowerpot, or even above a doorframe were once considered to be practical ways to keep from getting locked out of your home or place of business. And perhaps they did work back then – at least in the movies. But these days, many of us consider such methods to have been rendered foolish, thanks to increasingly clever criminals, rising security concerns, and the growing desire to better protect our valuables and well-being.

Yet, of course, some people still insist on looking for cheap, alternative ways of keeping their home or place of business secure. And while none sound foolproof (to us), the most driven of ‘innovators’ have become quite creative with their ideas on how to keep a spare key on or close to their premises in order to maintain around the clock access.

Alternatives to the Classic Doormat Trick

Are you looking for unconventional methods to hiding your key in plain sight, with minimal investment in security? Here are just some of the ideas we’ve come across:

Finding a ‘decoy’. People have been clever enough to come up with products that look like the real thing – such as hollow sprinkler heads – that can hold a key. Clever, until a thief also sees the same product somewhere and recognizes it for what it is.

Leaving multiple keys. Some people recommend leaving an entire jar filled with keys, of which only one actually opens the right door. Others leave multiple fake keys around the premises in the hopes of confusing, frustrating, and ultimately deterring intruders. But what happens when that one, especially patient intruder comes along? This sounds more like a game show than home security.

Combination door lock. This one is actually fairly useful, unless you forget the number or someone gets a hold of the piece of paper where you’ve written the code. And if it’s ‘1234’, then you can be sure that someone may crack is faster than a faulty email password.

A dog might be a loyal and reliable keeper of a spare key, if you can somehow keep it on or under its collar (not to mention drool-free). But there’s still no guarantee that  your fearless protector won’t bring the wrong friend home for a game of ‘fetch the petty cash’.

A friend, whom you trust, can always hold a spare key for you. But will they always be available to give you the spare key at a moment’s notice? Unless you’re carrying their spare key in order to get to yours, they are most likely not the most reliable 24/7 resource.  Remember, too, that you’re resting your security and that of your home on your neighbor’s shoulders. They might fall prey to the same mistakes we’ve already highlighted.

Don’t Leave Security to Chance

However imaginative, the majority of these ideas actually create more of a risk than a resolution. They seem especially dubious in comparison to the many, affordable video surveillance and video monitoring systems that are now available.  New, affordable technology that secures your home, a home business, and family is one of the best investments you’ll ever make.

What a video monitoring system can do:

The best part about video surveillance is that it puts the power back into your hands. A few cameras placed in strategic locations are an effective way to stay aware of anything that is happening in or around your residence or business, especially when you are not on site. The right digital video recorder will store all of the images you need in case there is an intrusion. Add remote functionality, and you can check in at any time, no matter where you are.

Our video surveillance installations are also flexible, allowing you to expand your surveillance as your needs change, or as you become more familiar with the most vulnerable parts of your home office or property.

Solutions for the Future

So, ask yourself one more time. Do you want to leave a key under your doormat?

An investment in a technology driven security solution, such as video surveillance, is an ideal way to protect what matters most to you. 21st Century Network Cabling is a leading provider of structured cabling services and video monitoring for a variety of residential and business locations.

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