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Black Friday

5MP HD over Coax

Upgrade your old system today!

Black Friday is coming upon us fast! Are you ready for the crowds, the ruckus, the mayhem? How protected is your store, your employees, your customers, from all the craziness of black friday? Do you have a system that can document quality video records of all the events to come. Is your equipment easy to use and understand? Don’t rely on old technology if you need video footage of a lawsuit or a criminal incident. If you have and existing system we can upgrade it very quickly. All you need is internet and existing wiring. contact us to get that last min installation be for its too late.

2mp cameras are perfect in a pinch for black friday. Protect your property, and lower your insurance premiums by having a quality surveillance system in place. You my be able to save 10% or more on your coverage.

Parking lots are a high priority area for video coverage during black friday. Angry customers trying to get parking spots may become overly aggressive. In some cases leading to violence and property damage. Use PTZs as well as fixed location cameras to maximize your coverage.

Do you have cameras above your registers for black friday. The high volume of customers may cause employees to make mistakes during transactions, or unsavory people may try to take advantage of crowded situations.

Clients feel safer shopping in well-lit places with video surveillance. Make your clients feel at ease by providing the proper environment increase security and safety. Adding parking lot patrols will be a big help in this area as well. Having a guard on site make people aware that you are taking your customers safety very serious.

If you need our services last min, no problem while techs are still available. We will have extended hours of service Monday thru Wednesday. 1st time customers will need to pay same day by credit card. 310-363-0397

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