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Certified Cable Testing

Low voltage contractor

Call us 1st to get it done right!

Networks are becoming faster and faster as technology becomes better and less expensive. In order to take advantage of these higher speed networks you need to insure your infrastructure (cabling) is up to the task.

If your cabling is pre 1995 stop reading this blog and contact us us right away!!!

Certified Cable Testing is a vital part of installing your network. Why pay all that money on new service, equipment, and wiring without having the cabling properly tested? Most people assume that as long as you can log on the web your good. That is not always the case though. You can have a network connection without having properly installed cables. The higher the speed of you network and the more bandwidth you transmit and receive the more susceptible it is to improper installation. These cabling errors can cause workstations and equipment to seem slow or crash in extreme cases.

All cabling is not the same and some do not pass TIA/EIA standards even when properly installed. Cheaper offshore cabling may have an aluminum core coated in copper. These cables have a greater chance of EMI which can be harmful to your network.Some manufacturers provide 10,15,25, and even lifetime warranties on there cable products. They require level 3 cable testing as a part of project registration.

Certified Cable Testing can not be done with a simple $50-$100 tester you can buy at a hardware store. These testers were meant for troubleshooting of a network cable after it has been properly tested. They only provide the basics of wire map and distance depending on the model.

A complex Level 3 cable tester that has been calibrated is what is needed to properly test a network cable. It provides detailed reports on how the cable performs to the TIA/EIA standard. the link below is an older example of a lvl3 test result.

lvl3 test results

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