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Nosey Neighbor

Nosey Neighbor

Be a Good Nosey Neighbor

Nosey Neighbor

Being a Nosey Neighbor has always been labeled a bad thing in the past. With the way things are in todays world it can be more of a help than a pester. Law makers have pass certain laws that allow nonviolent crime offenders back out on the streets early. In many cases with no jail time as police use the catch and release method.

So now good neighborhoods are seeing an increase in package theft from front doors and cars broken into in driveways. Thieves are getting more bold with home break-ins that my then turn to home invasions.

Your Nosey Neighbor can help keep your block safe with the right tools and here are a few.

 Doorbell cameras by Door bird, Ring, Skybell, and now Hikvision.

These devices not only protect the home owner but may also catch a perp that passes by. They connect to your smart phone so sharing the footage is easy.

 HD Surveillance Systems

HD cameras are the best tool for a Nosey Neighbor. with the right  placement the can really be the key element to your neighborhood watch.


Upgrade to IP Cameras or HD over Coax cameras for a clear picture of what’s going on.
These HD Cameras caught an illegal dumping activity

Cameras in the correct position and angle can Help prevent all sorts of  mischief on your block.


Neighborhood Watch Program

Put that Nosey Neighbor to work for the Neighborhood! Enlist your curious friend and make them feel welcome and useful. They can be the backbone of your program often pulling the heavy load. A strong community that stays together works best for everyone.

If you would like information on HD security products for your neighborhood please contact us. We have three location to help service Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Riverside County.

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