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Why Choose the SL1100 Communication System for Your Office

SL1100 Smart Communication Server

Where office efficiency is concerned, the importance of technologically sound and sophisticated communications capabilities cannot be overstated. For many a corporation, telecommunications are the primary conduits via which business deals are negotiated, conferences are hosted, and intra-office cohesion is maintained. In short, if communication is the fuel which propels business forward, one’s telecommunication infrastructure is the engine through which said fuel is channeled. With this reality front of mind, one might closely consider the following question: Why choose the SL1100 communication system for your office?

Placing aside reliability and technological sophistication, the communications interface of a given professional operation must also be functionally accessible in order that its range of applications might be fully and effectively utilized by a given workforce. In this regard the SL1100 does not fall short by any measure, as it is indeed a highly sophisticated platform built upon a technologically reliable framework, but which also happens to be hugely intuitive with respect to its user interface.

One can make any number of accurate quips regarding the absence of patience in present day young professionals, and this may well tie-in to the need for easily accessible telecommunications technology. However, in an era during which time is increasingly equated with money, and in which no corporation has so much as a moment to spare, equipping one’s workforce with the most intuitive of telecommunications interfaces is simply integral to competitive workplace operations. This fact on its own serves to address the question—

Why choose the SL1100 communication system for your office?

So then, with technological innovation and intuitive interfaces having been addressed, do any other factors serve to answer the question of–Why choose the SL1100 communication system for your office? Several, in fact, all of which relate closely to modern business considerations and the role of system efficacy in an increasingly dynamic corporate sector.

1. Extending the Reach of Communication

Field offices, satellite shops, and the employing of remote workers are all becoming fixtures upon the modern business landscape. Companies looking to expand into new markets, fortify existing ones, and maintain a presence in regions otherwise devoid of as much are growing increasingly flexible in terms of just how they go about supporting such growth and exploration. Central to any such undertaking is the presence of telecommunications technology commensurate with the scale of a given operation.

Many a company now finds itself employing as large (or larger) a remote employee roster as they are an on-site workforce. And yet, in nearly every such instance, those in the field rely to some degree upon the ability to connect on a moment’s notice with support personnel, leadership figures, and deskbound colleagues. Doing so requires a communications platform perfectly compatible with that very need; namely, a system such as the SL1100 with all its connectivity capabilities and remote access functionality.

2. Energy Efficiency: Cost Savings and Ecological Sensitivity

Though a very powerful system capable of serving the complex intercommunication needs of all manner of business operations, the SL1100 Communication System is notably energy efficient by even the most exacting of measures. And while this aspect of the SL100 is admittedly attractive from the standpoint of cost-consciousness, it is also a rather “green” element deserving of mention in its own right. Company-wide environmental initiatives are sure to be satisfied by energy efficient SL100 Communication System, while the Accounts Payable department is sure to notice a modest decrease in that monthly power bill…necessary evil that it is.

3. Computer Compatibility

To an often alarming extent, modern corporate workers are seemingly residing within the desktop and laptop computers with which they once merely operated during business hours. This being the case, a telecommunications network capable of interacting seamlessly with one’s computer interface is not merely an attractive feature, but a virtual necessity of modern day corporate sector operations. The advent of “softphones” has rendered one’s computer a direct extension of their telephone hardware, or perhaps that should be reversed?

In any event, the SL1100 effectively intertwines the telecommunications capability of a given phone with the visual interface of a given computer, thereby allowing for both real-time conversation and stored information to be engaged with via one mechanism. The SL1100 was engineered with just such a dynamic and empowering fusion of computing power and communicative capability firmly in mind.

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